Here you can find answers to your most common questions.

Q: How soon will my order ship?
A: As long as your item isn’t a pre-order you can expect it to ship in 5-9 business days, if not sooner. The only exception to this is when we have a new release, we prioritize the older pre-orders over the newest orders for the first week or two after which we return to our normal shipping schedule.

Q: I ordered something a long time ago and I know it’s available but I never got my copy, what do I do?
A: Reach out to us via the live chat in the bottom right corner and we will reply as soon as possible.

Q: Will any of the old special titles be available to purchase?
A: Yes, we will be adding them from time to time but only when we have stock ready.

Q: Why does my order history show an order as “On Hold”?
A: “On Hold” was a setting we were using to mark orders that had pre-orders but we no longer use it as we once did. We prefer to keep orders listed as “Processing” and when we can ship part of the order it will be updated to “Partially Shipped” and once the entire order has been shipped it will update to “Completed.”

Q: Where do I find my tracking information?
A: We use PirateShip for all of our domestic and international shipments, and as long as we have an email address on file, you should receive an email from them within an hour of the label creation which contains your tracking number. We currently don’t have a working solution to integrate the two systems and send just one email with tracking included. If you haven’t received any notification of tracking 24 hours after your order has been marked complete, please use the chat and we can get you the tracking number at that time.

Q: Do you offer wholesale pricing for resellers?
A: We do this only for our official releases, please email me and inquire about being set up as a wholesale customer.